
Brighton gyms among UK’s most expensive, Reebok study finds Brighton News

BRIGHTON and Hove is one of the most expensive cities in the UK for fitness enthusiasts, according to a recent study.

Sports firm Reebok’s Fitness Trainer Index has revealed that the average cost of a gym membership in the city is £35.50 a month, the third highest in the country – beaten only by London at a cost from £47.23 and Reading at £38.90.

The top five UK cities with the most expensive gym memberships on average (per month)

  1. London – £47.23
  2. Reading – £38.90
  3. Brighton and Hove – £35.50
  4. Edinburgh – £35.24
  5. Aberdeen – €33.24

At the other end of the scale, Southampton proved to be the cheapest gym membership in the UK, at just £20.50 a month.

The index also revealed that Brighton and Hove have the highest number of gyms per capita in the UK, with 109 per 100,000 people.

The cost of personal trainers in the city is also relatively high, averaging £32.88 per hour.

Top five cities with the cheapest gym memberships on average (per month)

  1. Southampton – £20.50
  2. Liverpool – £24.14
  3. Coventry – £24.38
  4. Sheffield – €24.94
  5. Newcastle – £25.00

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This notice was published: 2022-03-05 05:00:00

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