
New taxes net HMRC £50bn ahead of National Insurance hike Business

The bank levy is the biggest contributor among previously introduced taxes, according to Thomson Reuters, ripping nearly £25bn from lenders since it was introduced in 2011 as a charge based on the size of finance giants’ balance sheets. The Apprenticeship Tax comes next, taking £10.7billion from large employers, followed by the Banking Corporation Tax Surcharge, which came into force in 2016 to prevent financiers from benefiting from the tax cuts on companies. It raised £8.2 billion.

Also significant are the tax on bank salaries, an annual tax on enveloped housing, a one-time levy under a tax agreement with Switzerland, and the tax on diverted profits.

At the same time, the Confederation of British Industry has called for the super investment allowance to be made permanent, rather than ending in 2023.

Extending the tax relief could boost business investment by 17%, or £40bn, a year by 2026, the industry group said.

Tony Danker, chief executive of the CBI, said the temporary policy appears to be “a real success” so far and should therefore remain in place.

He said: “It started the job, but can’t be a one-hit wonder. Moving policy from a short-term fix to a long-term strategy will give companies confidence that government and industry are aligned.

“The UK is facing the highest tax burden in decades. But by rewarding companies that invest money in their operations, we can unleash new innovation and productivity – the ingredients we need to escape the low-growth trap and build a stronger, more sustainable and more economic future. fairer.

A Treasury spokesman said: “The Chancellor announced the Super Deduction last March to unlock business investment to boost our economic recovery from the pandemic – and the CBI analysis reflects this. The super-deduction is helping fuel our recovery, and we are the fastest growing economy in the G7 this year.

“The tax system has an important role to play in stimulating business investment and innovation, which is why we are offering a series of leading incentives, including R&D relief, annual the £1m investment allowance and the lowest corporate tax rate in the G7.”

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This notice was published: 2022-02-21 10:00:00

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