UK News

Scam warning: £28,000 lost every hour as phishing scams become ‘more widespread and more dangerous’ | United Kingdom | News UK News

An analysis by Who? showed that a total of £854 million was lost in 306,573 bank transfer fraud incidents between July 2019 and June 2021.

Fraudsters often target their victims by impersonating a bank, claiming that their target has been the victim of bank fraud and that they need to transfer their money to another account.

The criminals then receive a large transfer of money directly into their account.

Only 42% of the losses have been recovered, meaning a total of £495m is still missing, which equates to the loss of £28,203 per hour.

Helen Morrissey, senior pensions and retirement analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, said: ‘It’s traumatic enough to be cheated out of your hard-earned money, but finding out you won’t get your money back is a dreadful situation which can have far reaching effects. lasting on people. financial resilience.

“The government must act quickly on its mandatory repayment commitment.

“Beware if you are contacted out of the blue by someone saying you need to complete a quick financial transaction.

“No one has the right to ask you to transfer your money and certainly no bank would force you to make a quick decision.

“If you feel pressured, don’t be afraid to end contact with the person and find another number to contact your bank to discuss what’s going on.”

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They can also pose as a charity asking for donations.

Ukrainian bride scams are still a great way for scammers to make money, especially since over a million Ukrainians have fled their homes.

According to ComputerWorld, spear phishing is a technique in which scammers send a message claiming to be from a friend or colleague.

These can sometimes be accompanied by malware that can download a virus to your device if you click on it.

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This notice was published: 2022-03-09 06:41:03

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