Bath City

Family anger as stranger leaves Range Rover in driveway for four days Bath City News

A stranger left his car in a family’s driveway near an airport for four days. The family, made up of father Zekarias Haile, his wife and their two children, live in Wythenshawe, near Manchester Airport.

Mr Haile, 51, believes the rogue vehicle belonged to a holidaymaker flying in from the nearby airport. He told Manchester Evening News: ‘Someone, without my permission, had put the car there and they didn’t care.

He first noticed the vehicle when he woke up last Thursday morning. He walked out of his house to find the gray Range Rover in question in the driveway next to his house.

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At first he was surprised, but his emotion quickly turned to anger as the car remained on his property four days later.

Zekarias, an engineering lecturer at Wakefield College, said: “I just got out and there it was. Then it was there Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. On Monday morning, when we woke up, there was no more.

He eventually called the police, who told him it was not a criminal offense and there was nothing they could do as his car, which he had parked on the road, was not blocked . Although the unwanted vehicle has restricted access to his garden and the family’s garbage cans.

The father added: “I was very angry but resisted doing anything to the car – just. I definitely didn’t feel good about it. We couldn’t get into our garden and we couldn’t take out our trash.”

The car that was left in his driveway (Image: Manchester Evening News)

He added that he believed the car was parked by a dishonest parking company that operates in the area.

He explained: ‘A lady who was up front when he was let off told me the driver was wearing a high visibility jacket so I think it was one of those companies. My worry now is that because I couldn’t do anything about it, it will happen again.

“There are rogue parking companies claiming to meet and greet and just park in our area. This is a violation of my private property.

A police spokesman confirmed it was not a criminal offence, but owners could approach the council and bring a civil action.

Manchester Airport said: “In addition to our wide range of products, many reputable operators serve Manchester Airport. We categorically do not tolerate the practices of dishonest operators, including those that falsely imply that customer cars will be parked in secure locations and whose activities harm surrounding communities.

“We have worked closely with the council’s trading standards teams and Greater Manchester Police for many years to tackle this, and speak regularly with local councilors and residents about their concerns.

“As passenger numbers continue to rise as a result of the pandemic, we will maintain our stance on this, working closely with Manchester City Council and Greater Manchester Police.”

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This notice was published: 2022-03-16 17:55:27

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