
From the motorsport archives: Rookie Rosberg beats F1 stars Car News

“Do you want a race report? we asked this week in 1978. “Want to know exactly why all the superstars got it wrong and why the man who won the BRDC International Trophy race was a Finn fresh out of Formula 2?

Want to know what happened at Silverstone last weekend? Well, join the rest of the racing world.

Keijo Rosberg [that’s Keke] could not remember where he had passed Emerson Fittipaldi, and Emerson could not remember where he had turned, and Hans Stuck did not know where he had taken the lead or where he had lost it.

Patrick Depailler said he thought he remembered passing quite a few people, and James Hunt said the conditions were as bad as Fuji, and Hans Stuck said rubbish, and Derek Daly said he would have liked to know how many laps the race was supposed to be, because when he came out he was trying hard but couldn’t see his pit.

Yes, Britain’s delightful weather made what would be the last race of this prestigious event as a non-championship Formula 1 round quite the watch (if you had a good coat).

Thanks to his first-round bravery and no less than 11 non-finishers, the cool Rosberg secured a surprise victory for Theodore’s small team and launched a career that would culminate with the F1 title in 1982.

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This notice was published: 2022-03-25 05:01:24

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