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Serial offender who broke court order by abusing staff at Gateshead care home is jailed UK News

A man who breached a landmark anti-social behavior court order by abusing nursing home staff has been jailed for three months.

In July 2020 Daniel Davies, 35, received a two-year civil injunction following a long history of reported unrest and violence in South Tyneside. The injunction prohibits him from setting foot in the home of another named man – as well as causing harassment, alarm or distress, or using threatening or intimidating language, in public.

The order, made by South Tyneside County Court, also ordered Davies to engage with the South Tyneside Adult Recovery Service to remedy his alcohol abuse.

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But after learning that Davies had acted aggressively and abused staff at a Gateshead care home on March 21, he was arrested again for breaching the injunction. The next day he reappeared in South Tyneside County Court where a judge handed him an immediate 12-week custodial sentence.

Northumbria Police Inspector Don Wade said: ‘Daniel Davies has drained police resources over the past few years and caused misery for families who witnessed his behaviour. That’s why, two years ago, we sought and were granted a civil injunction against him, the first of its kind sought by our harm reduction team, based at Millbank Police Station.

Daniel Davies, who received a landmark two-year civil injunction following a long history of reported unrest and violence in south Tyneside, has now been jailed for breaching the order.
Daniel Davies was imprisoned

“This commission represented a final opportunity to help Davies clean up his act and turn his life around. It is therefore disappointing, especially given the incredible efforts of nursing home staff over the past two years, to learn that he called the staff and mistreated them.

“His behavior has caused a great deal of upheaval and anguish, so I’m glad he was quickly arrested, brought back to court and jailed – all within 24 hours. The strict terms of a court order are not not optional, and this case highlights that anyone who flouts them faces re-arrest and possible jail time.

Davies, of Charles Street, Boldon Colliery, must continue to abide by the terms of the civil injunction once he is released from prison – or face a potential new custodial sentence.

Anyone concerned about anti-social behavior in their area is asked to contact Northumbria Police via the ‘Tell us something’ page on their website or by calling 101. If you see a crime being committed or in the event emergency, always call 999.

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