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Baby Miraculously Born With Two Heads After Parents Announce They Are Expecting Twins UK News

A mum gave birth to a two-headed baby after learning she was expecting twins.

The young miracle, born in India, was also found to have two hearts and three hands during his examination. New parents Shaheen Khan and her husband Sohail had been told they were expecting twins. But when the baby was born on March 28 in Ratlam in the state of Madhya Pradesh, they found out they were married.

The condition is known as dicephalic parapagus. This means that two infants are joined by a torso and often results in stillbirth.

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But the miracle baby was admitted to a hospital in nearby Indore to be monitored by doctors. Mum Shaheen remains at Ratlam District Hospital, Wales Online reports.

One of the doctors, Dr Lahoti, said: “These kind of cases are rare and the condition of the babies remains uncertain, especially in the first few days. For this reason, we have kept them under observation. We have not planned no surgery on the patient.”

An x-ray of the baby born with two heads, three hands and two hearts in Madhya Pradesh, India
An x-ray of the baby born with two heads, three hands and two hearts in Madhya Pradesh, India

The dicephalic parapage is a rare form of partial twinning with two heads side by side on the same torso. The condition is also called parapagus dicephalus.

If carried to term, most double-headed twins are stillborn or die shortly after birth. A small number are known to have survived into adulthood.

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