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BBC slammed ‘propaganda machine’ after removing Brexit from food shortages report | United Kingdom | News UK News

BBC: Martin Kennedy on the state of the Scottish agricultural sector

National Farmers Union Scotland chairman Martin Kennedy was quoted in a BBC News website article referring to Brexit. But a clip shown on BBC Scotland appeared to omit mention of Britain’s exit from the European Union.

The discrepancy between the written account and the video version has led some to accuse the BBC of “actively” removing mention of Brexit.

Twitter user Marina Purkiss, sharing a link to a report on the interview, commented: “This is insane. [BBC News] is no longer a reliable source of information.

“Just one [Government] propaganda machine: [BBC News] actively remove mention of Brexit from a report on issues affecting farmers in the context of potential food shortages. »

Other Twitter users chimed in with martin_berry’s response: “The [BBC News] performance on Brexit and holding this government accountable is quite shocking.

KennedyNational Farmers Union Scotland chairman Martin Kennedy

President of the National Farmers Union of Scotland, Martin Kennedy (Image: Ian R Fleming)


BBC Broadcasting House in Portland Place, London (Image: Nicholas.T.Ansell/PA)

“I prefer [Channel 4 News] but the government is not going to sell that.”

Supertanskiii, another Twitter user, wrote, “I would say that’s amazing, but it’s not at all.”

SentasTheApp commented: “The BBC has never been a reliable source of news. It’s always been the broadcast arm of government. Now it’s just more visible.”

The BBC has been approached for comment.


Tractor plowing a field in Leicestershire

A tractor plowing a field in Leicestershire (Picture: PA)

He marches to leave the protest as he walks through London

The March to Leave protest as it passes through London in 2019 (Picture: PA)

Mr Kennedy, in the clip shown on BBC Scotland, said: ‘We’ve heard the term ‘perfect storm’ before, but I’ve never seen anything like it before.

“And it really is a perfect storm, because of the Covid issues where we had a real lack of manpower.”

It is at this point that there is a cut, before Mr Kennedy continued: “And now of course, with the Ukraine crisis, the implication that this has on energy costs, especially food for animals, fertilizers and fuel, made it all worse.

“Every sector faces real challenges ahead and the last thing we want to do is slow down production because the implications this would have on our consumers later down the track will be even greater food inflation.”

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Britain’s Brexit Freeports (Picture: Express)

After watching the news, Twitter user RobertTyreBute highlighted the coverage on the BBC website.

It reads: “NFU Scotland chairman Martin Kennedy told BBC Scotland the impact of invading Russia, after a two-year period which brought Brexit and the Covid pandemic , was “absolutely devastating”.

“He added: ‘I’ve never seen anything like it before. It is completely unprecedented. The long term implications of this are going to have a serious impact on the entire food supply chain.

“We’ve heard of a ‘perfect storm’ before, but I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell (Image: Yui Mok/PA)

The reference to Brexit appears in the written version, but not in the clip, although it is an issue constituting the “perfect storm” mentioned by Mr Kennedy.

Alastair Campbell recently slammed the BBC for not identifying Brexit as the main reason for the horrible queues at Dover.

He tweeted: “The often brilliant [BBC News] The coverage of Ukraine stands in stark contrast to what happens whenever anything to do with Brexit is in sight and the Orwellian shadow of Tory appointments hangs over everything.

“How can someone write on Kent Qs without a B-word?”

The BBC journalist who wrote the article, Katie Prescott, insisted Brexit was not to blame.

She said: “The extraordinary queues recently at Dover are mainly due to capacity down by a third as P&O ferry routes are out of service.

“That’s why fresh meat companies want a priority lane.”

A separate report published by the BBC on Monday, however, mentioned Brexit.

In it, a farmer explains that 500 tonnes of beets were left to rot due to a collapse in demand caused by Britain’s exit from the EU.

The report says that after Brexit, Will Woodhall said he was anticipating trouble and therefore reduced his harvest.

As business boomed, he decided to increase production, only to be “suddenly cut”.

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This notice was published: 2022-04-12 09:09:00

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