
Mixed bag for Bedfordshire Police after inspectors find room for improvement Bedford News

Bedfordshire Police have been deemed ‘outstanding’ for the way they handle offenders, which has seen a 91% reduction in burglars re-offending.

But it hasn’t all been smooth sailing for the force which has been rated ‘adequate’ to protect the vulnerable and ‘requires improvement’ both in responding to the public and in investigating crimes.

The force was the first in the country to be given an ‘outstanding’ rating for the management of offenders following an inspection by the Inspectorate of Constables and Her Majesty’s Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS).

Bedfordshire Police HQ

Inspectors found that 72% of those under Bedfordshire Police’s Integrated Offender Management scheme had stopped or reduced offenses in 2020/21, including a 91% reduction among known burglars.

This approach is estimated to have saved the company more than £2.3m for all crimes in 2020/21.

Bedfordshire Police also received “good” ratings in four areas:

Engage with the public and treat them with respect

Prevention of crime and antisocial behavior

Build support and protect the workforce

Strategic planning, organizational management and resource optimization

The inspection praised force in a range of areas, including work on digital engagement and ensuring the ethical use of stop, search and use of force powers.

Cybercrime work, including the innovative use of four digital vans to assess and secure evidence in high-risk investigations, was also highlighted as a good practice.

But areas for improvement included handling calls in the force’s contact center and monitoring investigations to better protect victims, including the use of orders such as domestic violence protection orders (DVPOs). – with only 14 issued in 2020/21.

However, since the inspection, the force’s use of DVPOs is on track to exceed over 200 for 2021/22 – following changes to give greater oversight and the formation of a “backup and rescue team”. separate ‘intervention’.

A comprehensive review of the Force Contact Center also took place, focusing on investment in staff and the optimal use of technology. A new approach is expected to launch later this year.

Chief Constable Garry Forsyth said: ‘It is also particularly pleasing that inspectors have recognized the work we are doing on transparency, including the independent review we invite into stop, search and use of strength – which is so crucial to building trust with the public.

“While the positives are great, it is perhaps more important to identify areas for improvement, particularly when it comes to care for victims. The HMICFRS process gives us independent insight and can help highlight areas that need attention. »

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner Festus Akinbusoye said: ‘The fact that the areas for improvement identified by the inspection did not come as a surprise to the force executive tells me that the management of the strength knows where more attention and investment needs to be made.

“Resident feedback on the time taken to respond to some 999 and 101 calls made it clear that more needed to be done. The handling of calls and the monitoring of investigations have already been brought to my attention as areas of concern by the Chief policing, but investment was needed to make lasting improvements.

“And that’s where some of this year’s council tax precept increase is going, straight into the areas that need improvement.

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This notice was published: 2022-04-12 23:02:00

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