
Matt Prior: Car designers need to learn from dogs Car News

Aside from the few medical roles, pets have no discernible value. You don’t need them to get you to work or to warm up your food, they don’t pay the bills, and they won’t cure hay fever. They just make their owners feel a little better. That’s it. That’s all they do. Basically they are destructive but practically useless.

It’s hard to find an estimate of destruction, but one study put the environmental impact of a large dog at 2500 kg of CO2 or equivalent per year (I don’t know, but that seems like a lot). If true, that makes them at least as harmful but far less useful than the car you absolutely need to get to work, to the store, to the hospital, or to treat other people. Yet it is the car that faces all the flak and not the pet.

The unpleasant truth is that pets are terrible. And yes, I love mine unconditionally.

Do you know why those useless furballs get away with it? Because while the cars are driving around screaming and being aggressive, the meaner the better, just take a look at these pets.

Go ahead and look at the floppy ears and big paws of a world-class pup. Take a little squeeze of a cat’s toe beans and a swipe of its incredibly soft fur as it purrs. Melt at the way they look at you with those big adoring eyes that say “yes, you’re my whole world”, or at least “Before, I believe my next meal is due”.

Meanwhile, chances are a sports car will make an angry, resentful noise and have a growling, growling, obnoxious front end – quite its face. Is it any wonder people don’t like noisy people passing by when there’s an adorable golden cavapoo around?

Maybe the industry could learn something. Some Japanese cars in particular used to have pretty faces, and I don’t think people get mad at pretty classic cars. Maybe if modern cars looked less aggressive, shouted less, and were cuter, they would drive easier. Cars: be more of a dog.

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This notice was published: 2022-04-14 23:01:24

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