
Boris Johnson’s insulting apology is too little too late: The Yorkshire Post says Yorkshire News

To suggest your own ignorance somehow “explains my earlier words in this House” only adds insult to injury.

And it is the Prime Minister’s arrogance and an unwarranted sense of supreme privilege that is behind his taking advantage of his position.

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Regardless of how Mr Johnson turns around what has happened to him to receive his £50 fixed fine notice, people find it hard to believe him, and when there is no trust, that leaves the Prime Minister in a position very precarious.

Boris Johnson.

Furthermore, when his colleagues make lazy comparisons between his crime and speeding tickets, as Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis did yesterday, it only compounds the betrayal.

Just as laughable are those who seek to use the abominable events in the Ukraine as a distraction, or a justification for the continued maintenance of Mr. Johnson in the highest office, a technique not only cynical but offensive.

When those around him adopt his modus operandi of twisting the truth for convenience, when his show of contempt seeps into the backseat as well, they not only embarrass themselves but also this country on the world stage.

It is not a political party to expect a UK Prime Minister to behave to the highest standards, but here we have the incumbent doing just the opposite.

To repeat: a Prime Minister broke his own law and, at the very least, misled Parliament about his actions when he should have known exactly what was going on.

The number of people in the UK who have died within 28 days of testing positive for Covid-19 is now officially 171,878, a death toll roughly four times that of the Blitz during the Second World War.

For their families, their apology is too little, too late.

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This notice was published: 2022-04-20 09:29:51

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