
Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams on life in West Sussex Brighton News

A GAME of Thrones star has revealed what his life has been like since moving to rural Sussex.

Maisie Williams shot to fame playing Arya Stark, a main character in the HBO drama series.

The 25-year-old actress now lives in rural West Sussex with boyfriend Reuben Selby.

In an interview with digital magazine Porter, Maisie said she goes largely unnoticed in her new hometown, aside from a few double takes.

“It’s hard to know what people are watching,” she said.

“Sometimes we’ll be in a store and we’ll be like, ‘Are people staring at us because they recognize us or is it because we look weird?'”

She also said she thinks the country life suits her: “I’ve never felt better. What I learned about myself is that I earn a lot more when I’m alone, and it’s a lot harder to do that when you’re on stage.

“It’s hard to really let go and there’s a tendency to give in to pressures while living in this world.”

The Bristol-born actress said she “struggled” to meet perceptions of traditional beauty before cutting her hair in a mullet and bleaching her eyebrows.

She said she got “lost” in external expectations of what is attractive.

Maisie will next be seen playing Seaford-born punk model Pamela ‘Jordan’ Rooke in Danny Boyle’s new Disney+ TV series Pistol, and said that since Game Of Thrones ended she’s been looking for roles that “connect with all sides of my personality”. .

“Arya was written as brash and I find myself playing roles jumping straight to being accusatory or angry or upset,” she said.

“I kind of felt like I was melting away from that, because that’s not the reality for a lot of people.

“But that was Arya’s reality, and maybe mine, so I find myself jumping over there like it’s my place of comfort. I would love to leave the crying and screaming for a while.

Maisie said she’s also changed her approach to her own appearance, adding: “For a very long time, I struggled with wanting to traditionally look like what people imagine to be beautiful and I really lost myself in that.

“Then I cut my hair into a mullet and said, ‘Well, I’m not even going to try anymore and I’m just going to do something that I think really suits me and is still very different from everything. what i have been doing but feels good.

“I had never gotten the ‘Oh my god, she looks so beautiful’ (comments) before, but definitely afterwards I was getting ‘Wow, that’s really cool. “”

Of her permanently bleached eyebrows, she said: “When you’re known for something that feels out of touch with where you’d like to go, every public appearance is an opportunity to take one step closer to that destination. ”

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This notice was published: 2022-04-19 12:29:53

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