
Cop sacked over ‘racist’ WhatsApp messages about travelers following Bedford funeral Bedford News

Bedfordshire Police HQ

A police officer has been summarily fired after using offensive language against travelers on a private WhatsApp group, a hearing has heard.

An expedited misconduct hearing before Police Chief Garry Forsyth yesterday (Thursday April 21) heard from PC Jeffrey Cresswell, who tendered his resignation as a police officer earlier this month and is currently working a paid notice period, had used his personal phone to post the comments to the group in November last year after a funeral in Bedford.

Mr Forsyth heard the group had been formed between other officers and PCSOs to keep in touch outside of work. No member of the public had access to the group.

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PC Cresswell was then off duty and posted allegedly offensive and racist comments. He was immediately questioned by colleagues and the content of the conversation was reported to supervisors the next day, leading to a Professional Standards Department investigation.

PC Cresswell made a full confession and was found guilty of breaching professional behavior standards of authority, respect and courtesy; Equality and Diversity and Dishonorable Conduct.

Mr. Forsyth decided that PC Cresswell would be terminated without notice.

The Chief Constable said: ‘PC Cresswell’s choice of language was abhorrent and totally unacceptable. We are here to monitor all of our communities impartially, there is no place in Bedfordshire, or in the police, for individuals who engage in offensive, racist and discriminatory behaviour.

“Across the force, we work extremely hard to improve our collective understanding of different cultures and we encourage our employees to speak out against unacceptable behavior – so it’s reassuring that his colleagues immediately challenged him and reported the issue to supervisors. .

“The courage and standards of these officers can only reinforce the extent of the deviations from PC Cresswell’s standards of professional behavior and the grossly offensive nature of his positions.”

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This notice was published: 2022-04-22 17:19:26

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