
Going Green – Making our gardens greener to protect the environment Bedford News

Make your garden greener (photo: adobe)

Last article by Angela Terry

Angela Terry, green activist and consumer expert, separates climate change fact from fiction and explains here how you can take simple, practical steps to help save the planet. Follow @ouronehome and visit for more advice.

Q: How can I make my garden greener?

A: A timely question.

Make your garden greener (photo: adobe)

It’s Royal Horticultural Society National Gardening Week May 2-8, so now’s the time to get your trowel out. Here are my tips for greening your green space:

plastic grass ditch

I’m afraid fake grass is prohibited.

It depletes soil health and robs vital pollinators, earthworms and insects of a home.

Its carbon footprint is also very high, as plastic is made from fossil fuels.

Additionally, a fake lawn does not capture and store carbon emissions like lawns or real plants do in real soil.

Also try to avoid paving your garden.

Green gardens reduce flooding, store carbon, shelter bees and other essential creatures, keep cities cool in the summer, and help us all feel happier.

Say no to mowing

Put your feet up and let nature take over.

Let some of your lawn grow wild.

The RSPB has an online guide, as birds depend on insects for food – and insects are rare in short lawns.

The Eden Project website has a section on how to plant a wild meadow at home.

You can buy wildflower ‘plug plants’ online, but make sure they come from the UK – to ensure they are suitable for our climate and free from unexpected pests.

Without chemicals

Try to avoid artificial fertilizers and pesticides.

Natural ecosystems are a matter of balance.

Introducing toxins harms much more than the weeds or pests you are targeting.

For fertilizers, you can make your own compost. The charity Garden Organic offers an online guide.

Alternatively, buy organic fertilizers. When it comes to eliminating pests naturally and controlling plant diseases, the Royal Horticultural Society offers advice on its website.

plant patch

You can save money if you grow vegetables.

This is a great project to do with the kids. Start with a single container.

Seeds that can be sown in May include sprouting zucchini, carrots and broccoli.

Insects are essential to the health of your garden. Bees especially need our help. Create homes for them with insect and bee hotels. The Natural History Museum offers online guides. You can also worm, because more worms mean better soil. Find out how on The Wildlife Trust’s website.


Try using solar-powered lights. It’s a good idea to put them on a timer to turn off at night, to avoid negatively impacting nocturnal animals and migrating birds.


Provide drinking water for birds and insects, especially in summer.

celebrity location

Dragons’ Den star Deborah Meaden presents The Big Green Money Show on BBC Radio 5 Live.

Deborah Meaden presenting The Big Green Money Show (Photo: Getty Images)

Also available on BBC Sounds, it’s an opportunity for her to chat with some of the biggest names in business – including the CEOs of banks, energy companies, airlines and car manufacturers – about their plans for tackling the climate crisis and moving to net zero.

With a long-term interest in environmentally responsible and ethical businesses, Meaden has a keen sense of greenwash and a sensible housekeeping style. It’s worth listening to!

green exchange

When visiting friends or family, try taking the train or bus instead of your car.

Try taking the train or bus instead of traveling by car (photo: adobe)

Public transport is much greener than using personal vehicles. Plus, you won’t have the stress of driving. Buy ahead to get the best value ticket.

The best way to talk to kids about climate change

Explaining climate change to children (photo: adobe)

Growing up in times of climate crisis is not easy.

Images of deforestation, melting glaciers and wildfires are popping up everywhere.

The scale and gravity of the situation are difficult for adults to understand. Children may find this overwhelming.

The temptation is to tell them not to worry, but it will add to their real worry that this issue will be ignored by ‘adults’. Instead, focus on positive solutions.


Listen to their concerns and acknowledge them. Don’t dismiss them out of hand. Show empathy and show that you care too.


Empower without making them feel overly responsible. Tell them that we all have a role to play in solving this problem, but it’s not all up to them.

Point out that they are not alone. Talk about all the people who are also worried and trying to make changes. Look at the work of charities and green activists.

Remind them that daily actions add up

Taking everyday actions — like eating less meat or snuggling up under a blanket instead of turning up the thermostat — can empower kids.

Remind them that it is impossible to live a completely pollution-free life. We need lots of people who go green imperfectly, rather than a few who do it perfectly.

Help with managing digital activities

Social media has a huge effect on children’s moods. Scary statistics and grim predictions have everyone worried.

Make sure children visit websites that talk about climate change in an age-appropriate way.

Designed specifically for children, NASA’s Climate Kids website offers a wide range of resources, including videos and games.

Highlight the positive

All is not catastrophic. Share positive climate stories to remind you that change is possible.

Make green decisions about family spending

Talk with your children about the products your family buys. There are sustainable alternatives for everything from food and fashion to cars and bank accounts. If the green alternative is more expensive, ask your kids if they’d be happy to pay nothing.

Help them join or create a group with friends

Joining climate-focused community and action groups can really help relieve feelings of anxiety. Working on tangible solutions with others gives children a greater sense of comfort and control.

fact or fiction

More expensive ecological products. Fake! The eco option often costs less.

For example, driving an electric car costs less than gasoline. White vinegar and baking soda cheaper than ready-to-use kitchen and bathroom cleaners

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This notice was published: 2022-04-23 11:01:13

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