UK News

Insulate Britain protester admits she could have done the same as a banned driver ‘We’re sorry!’ | United Kingdom | News UK News

Sherrilyn Speid, from Grays, Essex, has been banned from driving after she used her Range Rover to try to move protesters in Insulate Britain who were blocking the road while she was on her way to school. At a previous hearing, she pleaded guilty to dangerous driving for the incident last October. Insulate Britain spokeswoman Tracey Mulligan has since admitted she may have found herself in the same position as Ms Speid.

Speaking to LBC, Ms Mulligan said: “In my life I’ve had some really tough days and I don’t know if I wouldn’t have reacted like Sherrilyn at some point.

“But who put me on the road? The government.

“We are truly sorry that Sherrilyn suffered such consequences.

“But we are all going to suffer a lot more.”

READ MORE: Mum flayed after £40 fine for elbowing M25 Insulate Britain protester

The 35-year-old, who appeared at Basildon Magistrates’ Court on Friday, was banned from driving for a year, made a community order and ordered to pay a total of £240.

The court heard she was driving her black Range Rover Sport when she encountered an Insulate Britain protest in Grays at around 8.30am on Wednesday October 13.

Prosecutor Ashley Petchey said three protesters sat across the road and queues of traffic had built up behind them.

Speid got out of her vehicle and “protested” to the protesters, the court heard.

In a separate clip, the car could be seen rushing into the backs of protesters sitting in the road.

Mr Petchey said Speid, who wept in the dock throughout the hearing, was “clearly very angry and agitated by the situation”.

He added that she was not using “excessive speed” and was “using the brakes pretty hard”.

Mr Petchey said dangerous driving means an injury could have been caused.

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This notice was published: 2022-05-07 18:19:00

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