
Mental Health Awareness Week: Let’s Hear It For Grandparents Bedford News

Many young people rely on their grandparents for emotional support, research shows (Photo: Adobe)

New study finds a quarter of young people rely on grandparents for emotional support

They are part of everyday royalty and hold a special place in the hearts of many families.

Whether it’s nurturing and sharing or fooling around with your kids, grandparents play a unique role within the network of friends and relatives.

It is perhaps unsurprising, then, that they are often the people their grandchildren turn to in times of difficulty; what is striking, however, is that this is independent of the relationship they have with their own sanity.

Although those over 65 generally struggle to understand and come to terms with their own mental health, a quarter of 16 to 24-year-olds surveyed look to their grandparents for emotional support from childhood, new research shows.

The study found that although it had a significant influence on the mental health practices of 16 to 24 year olds, seeking emotional support from parents, grandparents and teachers in childhood did not was clearly not replicated for those over 65.

More than a quarter of people aged 65 to 74 surveyed and almost a third of people aged 75 and over admit that they have not spoken to anyone if they have felt anxious, sad or unhappy throughout. throughout their childhood.

That figure drops dramatically to eight per cent of 16 to 24 year olds who said they would not turn to anyone in the same circumstances, according to research from later life operator Inspired Villages.

Regarding the influence on perception and practices, the study suggests that as today’s retirees grew older, parents and grandparents were less involved in teaching their children about mental health. .

Almost three-quarters (72%) of people aged 75 and over surveyed said their parents or grandparents had never talked to them about mental health, compared with a fifth of people aged 16-24.

“This research suggests an opportunity for parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren to encourage positive mental health through education and emotional support,” said Jamie Bunce, CEO of Inspired Villages.

“It should be noted that people over the age of 65 with sufficient education and practices to support their own mental health will not only support their own well-being, but also influence that of younger generations.

“It is the responsibility of all who provide later life for the over 65s to help navigate what may seem unfamiliar, to help reduce any stigma so unfairly attached and to help show the possibilities to live, manage and thrive with mental health issues.”

Worryingly, two thirds (67%) of 16-24 year olds surveyed admit they have never sought mental health support because they were worried about what others might think – compared to 19% of over 65 years.

Mental health awareness and activities are key to supporting the physical and mental well-being of the over-65s, a generation known to have one in four struggling, according to pre-pandemic figures from UK age. And it is often in silence.

In addition to physical activity, trying new things, and spending time with friends and family, the role of intergenerational relationships provides additional support for this age group as they navigate their journey to Mental Health.

Friendships with older and younger people are known to help keep the over-65s in touch with the world as it changes.

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This notice was published: 2022-05-12 19:04:07

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