
Marketing in the “Now Economy” Business News

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Business Reporter: Marketing in “Today’s Economy”

James “JT” Turner, Founder and Chairman, Delineate; Ben Leet, CEO, Delineate

“Half my advertising is wasted, I don’t know which half,” department store pioneer John Wanamaker once said. And although the world looks very different today, his assessment remains valid for modern marketers.

Great challenges await us in the future. Consumers purchase products with the swipe of a thumb, waiting at their doorstep within days, hours or even minutes. This blurs the lines between retail, advertising and brand positioning, making advertising harder to execute and even harder to measure. We are in the era of “now” consumption.

The “now” problem

Marketing tools must be able to provide reach across multiple channels, often at one time. This transmedia approach to interconnected campaigns has seen new marketing technology (martech) platforms move to the center of the marketer’s suite of tools, with campaign decisions having to be made in real time to maximize attention and spend. public. Short-term sales goals drive the need for immediate decisions, which means a need for immediate data. This has led to a growing reliance on social media and search data to provide answers, even if those answers are not accurate.

When good enough is not good enough

Data collected from search engines and social media have a role to play in measurement. Simple social metrics provide marketers with a superficial level of brand engagement and audience response to social media posts and campaigns, while social listening technology allows marketers to better understand the consumer sentiment around a brand. But these quick fixes come with important caveats.

With a heavy reliance on search and social media for a broader view of the world, marketers face two main problems: a lack of context and little quality control. Many automated tools can find related words and phrases that help determine sentiment, but this is often limited to a single brand or product message. It does not place this message in the larger context of an individual’s worldview, beliefs or habits.

And, with the rise of privacy laws, creating an accurate picture of a consumer becomes even more difficult. Consumers who were once accessible through the digital trail they left to marketers are now using private browsing, turning off tracking features on their mobile devices, and being protected by laws governing information-gathering tools such as Cookies.

Revolutionizing market research

Surveys bring expansion and context to the marketing measurement toolkit, showing marketers the iceberg below the fold. They provide insight into why people do what they do, so they can be influenced. Unlike passive social media monitoring, survey research is active: it helps brands drive real change, which can only happen by understanding how decisions are made and the causal pathways that drive behavior. .

Market research has always had a reputation for being slow and disconnected, often used in isolation to answer a particular business question. This world still exists, but it is gradually being replaced by everyday, actionable survey data, made available in modern data structures and tools from our Delineate Proximity™ platform.

An answer to the measurement and attribution problem

Launched in 2021, the Delineate Proximity™ platform measures advertising campaigns as they happen, across all media channels and touchpoints. It uses daily polls for a representative view of the world, with data fed directly into a client’s data lake, so it can be connected to other real-time data for attribution modeling, ongoing adjustments and creative optimization.

For those worried about wasting 50% of advertising spend, Delineate Proximity™ offers the solution. Brands using our platform save 25% of their overall ad spend. Contact us here to tell us about our revolutionary approach.

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Originally published on Business Reporter

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This notice was published: 2022-05-18 22:05:22

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