
Send the army to solve the chaos of travel Business

He said the Home Office was unlikely to be prepared to make an exception for the aviation industry as other sectors made similar calls to their respective departments.

“No airline will deliberately sell a flight that it cannot fly or operate,” Mr O’Leary told ITV News. He added that airlines “usually sell flights five or six months in advance” and only know if carriers and airports will have enough crew in the very short term.

Mr O’Leary continued: “Army personnel, defense personnel who are good at providing security could relieve the pressure. And that would be something useful that this government could do instead of blaming the airports or the airlines, which doesn’t solve anything.

“We are going to have pinch points at UK airports until the end of this summer until children return to school in September.

“And I believe the best way to solve these pinch points are these security queues is to deploy military personnel who are trained in security and who could relieve the pressure on airport security and if you relieve the pressure on airport security, you get rid of the queues.

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This notice was published: 2022-06-02 10:51:36

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