
The Long Division festival returns to Wakefield Yorkshire News

sea ​​power
sea ​​power

After a tumultuous time known for indie venues and live acts alike, it’s a testament to the city’s passion for music and musical heritage that fans can once again descend on nine venues spread evenly across the city. city ​​center.

For many, Long Division is an opportunity to see up close many bands that are on their way to bigger venues or bands that are known for bigger cities, residing in a more intimate setting.

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Guitars and drums will vibrate throughout the city, as one band finishes one set and another starts theirs in a different location. It’s this heartbeat that sends the entire city into a collective frenzy, using the festival program or the Clashfinder app to ensure fans get into the next act in a calculated and meticulous manner.

Country music. Photo: Christopher Owens

Do you miss closing out a set to front the next big act, or do you wait in hopes that an encore will bring the house down with a special guest appearance? As fans, we must pitch our battles, and timing is key for ‘you had to be there’ moments, of which there will be plenty.

You may not have walked the Taj Mahal barefoot, but longtime poet laureate, journalist and music fan Simon Armitage will honor the town hall by opening the festival with a Q&A session and readings of his latest work. I can’t think of anyone better suited for the job. Born and raised in Yorkshire, just a few miles from his hometown, he is discussing live music in a city that is famous for his creative musical passion. A concert that you cannot miss.

Those who have attended the festival before know it well, there are always unconditional faithful year after year. For those who have never attended, this is guaranteed to be an experience that will stay with you and keep you coming back. A family festival, warm and familiar, strong enough to guarantee a true rock ‘n’ roll circus in the heart of the city.

In the words of headliner Sea Power, may the dancers inherit the party.

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This notice was published: 2022-06-08 12:43:50

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