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Sheffield pensioner fined £100 over 60p parking fee as he drove wife home from chemotherapy UK News

Colin Robinson, 80, was handed the steep FPN after failing to pay 60p for parking on Morrisons’ private rooftop plot on Fulwood Road, Broomhill.

He stopped for 25 minutes to get a pizza for his wife Valerie, 77, after her chemotherapy at Weston Park Hospital, and parked in the disabled bay with his blue badge, assuming that he was exempt.

But four days later he received a fine in the mail from the parking operator, Excel Parking Services Ltd.

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Calin Robinson says he parked in the disabled bay with his wife’s blue badge assuming it would be free for the 25 minutes it took to get to the store.

Now, after appealing the fine and asking the company to help the elderly couple after a difficult few months, Colin has chastised the company for its ‘inhumane’ response.

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“If I had noticed I would have paid the 60p and that would have been it,” Colin said.

“I was wrong – if things go wrong I will pay it. But I just think they could have used their discretion a bit more. I know I’m wrong, technically and legally, but I just thought that ‘they could have been a little more humane.

“When you hit 80, your brain doesn’t work the same way it did when you were younger. You get upset more easily, you forget where you put things. It’s frustrating.

“None who sent their response or the FPN is 80, they don’t know what it is.

“This company just wants its ‘pound of flesh’ regardless of the extenuating circumstances.”

After receiving the fine in the mail on April 25, Colin wrote to Excel apologizing.

‘I would like to sincerely apologize for not paying the 60p parking charge at Morrisons rooftop car park,’ Colin wrote.

“My wife is 77 and I am 80, and my clarity of thought is not what it was a few years ago, unfortunately. I was also very worried about my wife’s health at the era and I didn’t think too right.

“I’m sure none of the above are ‘proper’ grounds for appeal, but I appeal to your better nature nonetheless to excuse my mistake.”

Excel’s response to Colin said: “We cannot accept the mitigating circumstances raised in your representations, therefore your appeal is dismissed and the charge will stand.

“We take note of your comment that your wife holds a blue badge and therefore thought a ticket to park was not necessary. Signs at the entrance and throughout the car park make it clear that this is private land.

“The signs clearly state that a valid Pay & Display (P&D) ticket must be purchased and displayed for ALL vehicles using the car park.”

Colin told The Star: “I have to admit I assumed the disabled bay would be free, as it is in most places, especially since it was a car park Morrisons.”

“We usually shop at Morrisons in Meadowhead, where parking is free.

“I’ve since returned and seen the sign. I know I’m wrong, but they could have used their discretion.”

Excel has been contacted for comment.

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This notice was published: 2022-06-11 20:16:21

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