UK News

Old McDonald’s outlets reopen in Russia under new name UK News

Hundreds of people flocked to a former McDonald’s restaurant in Moscow as the outlet reopened under a new Russian name and owner.

Two months later, McDonald’s decided to leave Russia altogether and sold its 850 restaurants to Alexander Govor, who held licenses for 25 franchises in Siberia.

Mr Govor is moving quickly to reopen outlets.

The new name of the Russian chain was announced only a few hours before the opening of the restaurant in Pushkin Square – Vkusno-i Tochka (savory period).

The logo is different, but still evokes the golden arcs: a circle and two yellow oblongs – representing a beef patty and fries – configured in a stylized M.

Fifteen former McDonald’s outlets reopened in Moscow on Sunday.

Oleg Paroev, the chain’s general manager, said he aims to open 200 by the end of the month.

As part of the sale agreement, the monetary terms of which were not announced, the new operation agreed to retain the 62,000 people McDonald’s employed before its exit.

The crowd at the Pushkin Square outlet, large and bustling as it was, was no match for the turnout for the opening of McDonald’s in 1990, when people lined up for hours.

At that time, McDonald’s had a psychological and political resonance beyond hamburgers.

The opening was the first glimpse most Muscovites had of Western consumerism and service efficiency, as well as a sign that the Soviet Union was slowly letting its guard down and allowing foreign culture to enter the country. .

On Sunday, that earlier symbolism echoed the reopening with a note of nostalgia.

“It’s a historic place – the flagship of McDonald’s,” Mr Govor told reporters. “I’m sure it will be the flagship product for us.”

Inside, the restaurant looked like a brotherly twin of itself. There were touch screens for placing orders and counter staff wore familiar polo uniforms.

“We are sure that our customers won’t notice any difference between us,” Paroev said.

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This notice was published: 2022-06-14 06:13:15

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