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Man threatened with jail after punch attack leaves subway passenger with brain hemorrhage UK News

A man faces jail after leaving a subway passenger with a brain hemorrhage following a punch attack.

John Lowdon picked on the victim at Four Lane Ends tube station, Benton, and left him lying unconscious on the ground near some barriers. A court heard CCTV captured the attack, which left the man with a brain haemorrhage.

Lowdon, 29, of Winton Way, Kenton, appeared before magistrates in Newcastle on Wednesday to plead guilty to one count of causing grievous bodily harm without intent.

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Lillian Yanes Hellevik, prosecuting, said the case was so serious it should be finalized in Crown Court. She added: “The victim suffered a serious injury – a brain haemorrhage. The Crown would submit that your sentencing powers are insufficient.” Alan McFall, defending, made no statement.

After viewing the CCTV footage, District Judge Paul Currer said it showed the victim and Lowdon with a group of people at Four Lane Ends tube station on April 4 last year. Lowdon was then seen leaving the scene before returning and punching the victim in the side of the head in what Judge Currer described as a “Haymaker” punch. Judge Currer added: “The defendant then leaves it on the ground. It happens near the barriers.”

Sending Lowdon to Newcastle Crown Court to be sentenced, Judge Currer told him: “You pleaded guilty to a serious offense where you hit this man at Four Lane Ends Metro causing serious injury. It’s so serious, he cannot be dealt with in this court.

“I am sending you to crown court, which is in this building on the top floor. You will then appear there on July 13. The video shows you coming back and knocking [the victim] then everyone walked away while he was down. All sentencing options are open.”

Lowdon was released on bail to appear at Newcastle Crown Court on July 13.

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