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Graham Norton reveals worst guest he’s had on BBC show UK News

From the likes of Tom Hanks, Cher, Madonna, Taylor Swift, David Tennant and many more, presenter Graham Norton has interviewed them all.

Throughout his years hosting the BBC chat show, Norton has always faced one question which he’s never been willing to answer relating to who the worst person was to appear on the show.

Now, the popular chat show host has revealed that one guest takes the spot of the worst to ever appear on The Graham Norton Show.

Graham Norton reveals the worst guest to appear on BBC show

Back in 2022, Norton spoke to the Evening Standard where he shared that disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was the worst guest on the BBC show.

The 71-year-old was sent to jail after being found guilty of third-degree rape and first-degree criminal sexual act for crimes against two women.

In his interview with the Evening Standard, Norton said: “I often talk around who my least favourite guest was, but now, someone reminded me, I have a really good answer to this now. It’s Harvey Weinstein.

Adding: “He’s in jail, so he gets the prize for the worst guest ever.”

Norton added that he was forced to have Weinstein on the BBC shows sofa after the disgraced producer continued to demand his appearance.

Sharing: “He emailed me something very nice, a complimentary thing. And then he decided he wanted to be on the show because he was going to promote something.

“And it was a show that was fully booked, so I replied saying, ‘Oh, thank you so much, but the show is fully booked’.

“He emailed back, ‘What if I blah de blah de blah?’ ‘No, the show is fully booked, blah de blah.’ And he emailed back again, ‘But I think…,’ and I just had to turn to my booker and say, ‘Can you please deal with this?’

“And at the time, I thought that sort of attitude, that kind of, ‘Oh no, I’m going on,’ that is what makes you a very good producer.

“But of course, now that we know what we know, that is what makes him a predator. It was that kind of weird, tunnel-vision thing.”

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This notice was published: 2024-01-06 17:15:29

By Times Series

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