northern Europe and France hit by a cold snap with very low temperatures

This Sunday February 7, the inhabitants of Dunkirk (North) were able to take advantage of the snow. But for that, it was necessary to face the cold and the difficult weather conditions. “I think I’ll come back through the interior of town, because I don’t want to face the headwind”, laughs a woman interviewed by France Télévisions. “It’s nice to have snow every now and then in Dunkirk, by the sea, it’s rare”, rejoices another witness. In France, temperatures have been very cold, reaching as low as -5 ° C with a feeling of -10 ° C, and the situation is not expected to improve in the following days.

Other European countries are also affected by this cold snap. In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the planes remained grounded in the face of the first snowstorm in 10 years. Rail traffic was also severely disrupted. Authorities called the red alert with winds of 90 km / h. Motorists are advised not to take the road. Same scenario in Hanover, Germany, where residents were asked to stay in their homes, even though there were 222 accidents in one day. In the UK too, there was snow, particularly in Ipswich. Rail, road and air traffic was impacted, but the children were able to take the opportunity to sled and build snowmen.

The JT

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