Germany breathes, but is wary of its neighbors

Germany is watching its borders. “The Moselle will be classified as a high risk zone by Germany. This means that controls will be very tightened at the border on the Sarreguemines side, with the obligation to present a negative test of less than 48 hours in order to pass”, Explains the journalist France Télévisions Laurent Desbonnets, in duplex from Berlin (Germany), Monday February 22.

Germany is also worried “what is happening with another of his neighbors”, Continues the journalist. In Austria, variants circulate a lot, even if the authorities are deconfining. The Austrian Tyrolean mountains are home to one of the largest European foci of the South African variant, with at least 550 cases. However, it is still possible to ski in the region. This relaxation contrasts with the anguish of the Germans.

The JT

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