“Bianco Rosso e Verdone” turns 40 From the 131 to the Alfasud, the cars in the film

February 23, 2021 – 12:34 pm

The road-movie by the Roman director is an irresistible catalog of the dazed beginning of the Eighties. With his unforgettable Italians (Mimmo, Furio, Pasquale) and their cars

of Savina Confaloni

The film turns 40 White Red and Verdone, an extraordinary box office success in 1981, directed and starring Carlo Verdone and produced by Sergio Leone. Three Italian cars, one white, one red and the other green (the colors of the national flag), and three Italian cars – all three interpreted by the director – on their way to reach their respective polling stations. Three hilarious stories, but with an unfailingly bitter ending, which intertwine on the same weekend. Also this road-movie, Verdone’s second film (the year before it had been released in theaters A lot nice), it was a success.

The poster of the film, released in 1981

The poster of the film, released in 1981

23 February 2021 | 12:34


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