no, France is not the European champion of vaccination

Charged with slowness at the start of its vaccination campaign, France would henceforth be the champion of the European Union! It is the president of the LREM group at the National Assembly, Christophe Castaner, who announces it on the France 2 set: ” Today in Europe we are the first country to vaccinate in terms of number of inhabitants. Three million vaccines have been done as I speak to you. And reduced to the population, this is the first European score. But you shouldn’t be cocorico.

It’s better not to boast too much about vaccination, since the former Home Secretary is wrong in his comparisons. Even excluding the UK, which has left the EU and far ahead of the rest of Europe in the vaccine race, France is not at all ahead of the European countries. Let’s take the number of cumulative injections first. While France has surpassed 3 million, overtaking Italy, it remains second, far behind Germany, which has almost reached 4.5 million doses injected.

If we relate these figures to the population, as the majority leader in the Assembly suggests, he is even more wrong. France injected 4.68 doses of vaccines per 100 inhabitants. Which puts it well below the European Union average of 5.19. The same goes for people who have been fully vaccinated: 1.2% of the French population against 1.7% of the European population. When it comes to the vaccination rate, France is not the first either. The number of doses injected daily puts us second, still behind Germany. Even relative to the population, France is not even on the podium.

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