the heads of seven laboratories interviewed by MEPs

During a summit with member countries of the European Union, Thursday, February 25, Emmanuel Macron asked laboratories to keep their commitments in terms of production of vaccines against Covid-19 and put pressure on the AstraZeneca laboratory to make up for delays in delivery. “The heads of the seven laboratories selected by Brussels were heard by MEPs”, reports Pascal Verdeau, France Televisions correspondent in Brussels.

On the grill, was in particular the boss of AstraZeneca, a laboratory whose reputation and image are strongly degraded in European public opinion, and in particular in Germany. ‘I am disappointed,’ the official said. “But we are going to catch up and increase our production volume.” As for the American Johnson & Johnson, which should obtain marketing authorization in Europe in the coming weeks, it announces a target of 200 million doses by the end of the year “, adds Pascal Verdeau.

The JT

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