
the fear of the discharged battery haunts the French


The fear of being left without a battery or without a phone is a nightmare for many French people, reports France 2, Monday 1er March, referring to a recent study on citizens’ connections to mobile telephony. Some even experience anxieties and palpitations. “I happened to stop buying a charger because I forgot mine at home“, recognizes a woman in front of the teams of France Televisions.

If I have to move a lot, I have a backpack and I have my charger“, adds a very organized passer-by. Reactions which are in line with the results of the survey. Indeed, 34% of French people feel stressed when their battery is discharged. This figure rises to 64% among 18- 24 years. “In transport, we always have our phone with us, it’s a bit stupid not to be able to go on it if we have no more battery“, justifies a young man.

The JT

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