
New world. Microsoft wants to put holograms at the service of teleworking


A man with Microsoft's Hololens 2 glasses. Illustrative photo.
A man with Microsoft’s Hololens 2 glasses. Illustrative photo. (PICTURE ALLIANCE / PICTURE ALLIANCE / GETTYIMAGES)

Imagineā€¦ You are participating in a remote business meeting and each participant, instead of appearing in small windows on your computer screen, materializes in 3D in the middle of your living room or in a virtual meeting room. This is the principle of the Mesh platform, which Microsoft has just presented. This is a collaborative work tool project in virtual reality and augmented reality, which will work with special glasses, equipped with a transparent visor.

All of this, in reality, is not much different from what the Hololens 2 mixed reality headset from Microsoft, used in industry and medicine, can already do. It also looks like what Facebook presented a few years ago after the takeover of the startup Oculus. The novelty is that Microsoft wants to go further, by offering a real platform, Mesh, based on its Azure cloud, which will allow the development of applications, especially teleworking, for companies.

Microsoft is not alone in this niche. Several technology companies are interested in virtual reality glasses: Apple, Facebook, Samsung or the Epson brand. The announcements or the rumors multiply. Several projects have been presented or are in the works. The goal is to develop virtual reality glasses that are lighter than the big headsets that exist today. The fact that a brand like Apple is interested shows that there is likely a market for these technologies. The apple brand – which bought a virtual reality start-up called Spaces a few months ago – could launch a high-end virtual reality headset next year.

The next step will be to use these new communication methods directly on our computer and smartphone screens. This is what Microsoft promises with Mesh. Having said that, remember that “real holograms”, which project a virtual 3D image appearing out of nowhere, as in Star Wars, at the moment that does not exist. To date, these are just special effects …


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