
Secretary of State Sarah El Haïry points to “a phenomenon of hyperviolence”


The government will relaunch a national plan to fight violent gangs in May. They are not new, but there is a phenomenon of hyperviolence. Today is until death. This hyperviolence is accentuated and accelerated by social networks, which have some responsibility. There is the effect of the image too. These generations are children, often 11 to 16 years old, and our responsibility is to create a shield that protects them. The school must do its part, we must help the parents too. Adolescence is an age when we need very strong and very firm benchmarks., explains Sarah El Hary, Secretary of State for Youth and Engagement.

Universal national service exists since 2019 and it is based on the willriat. In a few years, it will become compulsory because it is a great moment of unity to know each otherto be and to create his way. Youth do not live a time of communion. If we want a united country which is understandable, we must provoke this dialogue between a young person from Argenteuil (Val-d’Oise), Aurillac (Cantal) or Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), she believes on franceinfo Sunday March 14.


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