how an artist denounces areas declared “free from LGBT ideology” by a hundred municipalities and communities

The growing homophobia campaign in Poland culminates when around 100 municipalities and communities declare themselves “LGBT ideological free zones”. An initiative that institutionalizes the exclusion of stigmatized people. The artist Bartosz Staszewski then decides to denounce this infamy in his country, and even well beyond.

At the entrance to openly anti-LGBT towns, he puts up a sign he has made to publicize the policies pursued in these places: “I am with the sign ‘LGBT-Free Zone’ in the district of Lubaczow. I put the sign [sous le panneau indicateur du nom de la ville] and I will take the photo “, he explains to the magazine “We, the Europeans” (replay). In early 2020, the artist posted his photos on the Internet … and it created a buzz.

Show that there are just women and men

A violent press campaign was then orchestrated against him by the numerous media close to Polish power: “You have right-wing newspapers that present the LGBT community as a threat to the Polish nation. There is one that presents me as someone spreading lies against Poland. Some even claim that I have been paid. for that. It’s madness. ” The whistleblower and activist then becomes a target …

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki even goes so far as to accuse him of disinformation at a press conference. Bartosz Staszewski fights by photographing members of the LGBT community to show that behind what the government calls “LGBT ideology”, there are just women and men some of whom today hesitate to display their homosexuality in full day.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.

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