
when videoconferencing takes place in private


Teleworking with nearby children is the new puzzle facing many French people. For some employees, the presence of children can sometimes become an asset. “It’s almost a criterion that allows you to negotiate well, I have the impression that I manage to coax my clients“, laughs Marine Leclerc, director of Monceau Languages, who teleworks in Normandy. Sometimes things are less easy. A teacher, while teaching, was thus entitled to the intrusion of her children, disguised to give him a farce On the Internet, comedy videos have been on the rise for a year.

In Normandy, Marine Leclerc’s family share a room for teleworking. Not always easy, especially for the internet connection. “It was three weeks with the wild boars that were in the wires, in the ground, explains Hubert Leclerc, consultant. So I’m not telling you the vibe during this time. “For those nostalgic for the office, a website has however had a clever idea: it offers to listen to the noise of the neighbor’s keyboard, or of the photocopier.

The JT

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