
the explosive cocktail of anxiety, frustration and social media



Video length: 2 min.

youth violence
Article written by

D. Schlienger, C. Arnold, H. Strobel, E. Penot


France Televisions

The various facts highlight an exacerbated violence at an increasingly young age. What role play social networks? Are adolescents aware of their actions? Elements Answer.

The violence of adolescents, sometimes very young, shocks and challenges, especially since this violence is often premeditated. Alisha, a 14-year-old schoolgirl found dead after being beaten and drowned on Monday March 8, was the latest victim. But how to explain such an explosion of business in recent weeks? According to psychologists, this period of life makes young people more anxious and anxious. They are more aggressive towards themselves and others.

The health crisis would also have repercussions on their behavior. “In adolescents, even more!“, assures Jean-Luc Aubert, clinical psychologist.”Especially since their age, there is a search for landmarks outside, contacts outside, which they can not do. So it still accumulates tensions, frustrations that can be added to the normal anxiety state. And it can be added even more on fragile personalities. This can sometimes make very explosive cocktails.

In all recent cases, it is online that the escalation of violence has started. Social networks are a multiplier“, specifies Jean-Luc Aubert. Teens “Don’t anticipate. All that matters is what happens now. They do not understand the consequences of their actions ”, concludes the psychologist. About forty minors are implicated each year for homicide or attempted homicide.


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