
an account on social networks to denounce the “almost accidents” of hunting


“One day a hunter killed my dog ​​when I was 10 meters from her.” “I was doing my jogging, when I heard a gunshot nearby. (…) I noticed that I was bleeding. I have a lead which is lodged in the back of my head.” “I was a few meters from my house (…), there was a hunter, I asked him to go away. In anger, he shot in my direction.” Stray bullets, intimidation … the testimonies published on the account Un jour, un chasseur (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) are cold in the back.

This account was created after the tragic accident that claimed the life of Morgan Keane. This young Lotois man was shot dead by a hunter in December 2020, while he was chopping wood a hundred meters from his home. Revolted, several of her friends wanted to call for witnesses on social networks. When they saw stories coming from all over France, up to twenty a day, they said to themselves that it was a real problem, a reality that had to be denounced “.

When the bullet has passed very close: “near accidents” constantly increasing

Some of the most impressive testimonies have been relayed by the television news. Like the story of this traumatized couple, who escaped the worst: a hunter’s bullet, entered through a window, ended up in a wall at the other end of their house. Or the travelers on this TGV who believed in a bomb – it was a hunting bullet. She went through a window and then through the headrest of a seat … luckily unoccupied.

Every year, hunting causes about twenty deaths, and leaves 150 injured. If the number of fatal accidents has been falling for ten years, that of “near accidents” – when the bullet has passed close by – continues to increase. For last season, there were 31 shots in the direction of vehicles, 47 in the direction of homes, 29 on domestic animals. In the absence of human bodily injury, they are listed as “hunting incidents”.

Extract from “Des chasseurs tout permis?”, A report to see in “Special Envoy” on March 25, 2021.

– On the penalties provided for by justice in matters of manslaughter:

– To review the testimony of the couple who saw a bullet pass through their house:

– An investigation that “L’Œil du 20 Heures” had already carried out on hunting “incidents”:

– Figures on hunting accidents issued by the National Biodiversity Office:,pour % 20la% 20p% C3% A9riode% 202019% 2D2020. & Text = The% 20saison% 202019% 2D2020% 20est, with% 20141% 20victimes% 20 against% 20131

Non-exhaustive list.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.


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