
The confinements and teleworking linked to the Covid-19 epidemic have caused it to change dimension. The American Zoom, a specialist in videoconferencing, has experienced unprecedented growth. In one year, its turnover has increased by 327%. Eco guest of franceinfo on Monday April 5, Charlotte Nizieux, spokesperson for Zoom France, explains that “growth continues and will continue, with the hybridization of work “.
The representative of the American group cites a recent BCG survey according to which 82% of French companies believe that after the pandemic, they will continue to use videoconferencing solutions: “This will allow them to welcome talents, regardless of their geographic location “.
Zoom has been around since 2011 but the pandemic has boosted its growth. In April 2020, in full confinement, explains Charlotte Nizieux, the company “grew from 10 million to 300 million daily users “.
The technological giants have beefed up their own videoconferencing solutions, so as not to be left behind. How can Zoom tell the difference? With technical and ergonomic arguments, according to its spokesperson: “By its ease of use “, and “by the very low use of bandwidth “.
Some companies refuse to use the application because they believe it is not secure enough. A few months ago, the government itself advised against “strongly its use “. Users have also reported strangers intruding into their conversation.
“We are proactive on security issues”, replies Charlotte Nizieux: “We implemented end-to-end encryption of all conversations for paid and free users “. The manager also explains that “Zoom does not collect any data “, and “jso far, it has not been the subject of any computer attack “.