the American giant will produce its vehicles in Germany


Video length: 2 min.

Tesla: the American giant will produce its vehicles in Germany
France 3
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In recent years, the electric vehicle sector has boomed. The giant American Tesla has just opened a factory in Germany where it hopes to produce 500,000 a year.

In the heart of the forest of Brandenburg (Germany), the buildings of the future Tesla factory were raised in barely a year. Between the walls, 500,000 electric cars will soon be produced per year. On the day of the inauguration, the boss of the firm, Elon Musk was here. “Germany is great”, he exclaims. In total, 40,000 employees will work there. A chance for this region, among the poorest in the country. “I’m sure it will bring some fresh blood”, explains Michael, a resident of the region, satisfied.

Some groups of residents do not agree and denounce an ecological disaster in a region prone to droughts. “We will have to ask ourselves what will be left as water in 30 years. I’m really wondering if it’s a good idea to put industry in here “, reports Nicola, activist against the installation of the factory. Another criticism of the project: to have granted privileges to the company, in particular, in terms of unionism. Elon Musk has already announced that it would refuse the installation of large German unions in its factory.

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