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Barnet Council meetings to resume at Hendon Town Hall UK News

Councilors and the public will be able to return to Hendon Town Hall next month for “Covid-secure” meetings.

Committees confirmed by the Barnet Council will meet at The Burroughs’ usual location, Hendon, from May 7th.

The exception will be the annual board meeting on May 25, which is scheduled to be held at another location.

There will be a limit to the number of members of the public allowed to attend meetings, with an audio livestream available for those who cannot be admitted or do not want to attend in person.

The councils have been holding virtual meetings that have been televised live via the internet since April of last year, following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

But Minister of State for Regional Growth and Local Government Luke Hall wrote to local authorities last month telling them the government would not extend emergency legislation allowing virtual meetings to be held.

Explaining the decision, Hall cited “the impact it would have on the government’s legislative agenda” and “the excellent progress that has been made on our immunization program and the announcement of the government’s roadmap to lifting of Covid-19 restrictions ”.

The minister said the councils are receiving the support and guidance needed to hold face-to-face meetings in a safe and secure manner.

A spokesperson for the Barnet Council confirmed that security measures will be put in place to ensure the committees “are organized in a secure manner by Covid.”

The spokesperson said: “The public will be able to attend in-person meetings to ensure that the council meets its legal obligation regarding public access, but there will be a capacity limit for the public.

“For members of the public who cannot be admitted due to capacity restrictions or who do not wish to attend in person, there will be a live audio stream of the meeting available through the council website: https: / /barnet.moderngov /.

“We will likely have slightly different arrangements in place for planning committee meetings so that the public can be admitted for specific requests.”

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This notice was published: 2021-04-16 10:36:11