UK News

You could face a £ 70 fine for parking outside your home under new laws UK News

Motorists face fines of £ 70 for parking outside their homes under new laws that could come into force in the UK.

Among the new laws introduced this month, a nationwide ban on sidewalk parking could be one of them.

The change in law could be implemented to maximize the safety of movement of disabled and visually impaired pedestrians.

To help, Select Car Leasing predicted what the new pavement parking rules would be and found that a pavement parking ban could result in a fine of £ 70 for motorists parking outside their homes.

Why are the laws changing?

Pavement parking laws are changing to maximize safety when traveling for people with disabilities and visually impaired people. This change in the law is in response to the big concerns raised in local communities about parking on the pavement and how it increases the risk of injury for those walking on the sidewalks.

Select Car Leasing spoke to Daryl Tavernor, a digital advertising consultant who has been using a wheelchair since the age of 8.

“I am a wheelchair user with a genetic condition called spinal muscular atrophy,” he said.

“UK residential developments, especially newly built housing estates, suffer from poor parking habits. People seem to just throw their cars onto the sidewalk with the wheels pointing out and leaving little room for pedestrians to pass safely.

“As a wheelchair user this creates major problems. We can’t just go through a gap or around the car on the road. I often have to use the road instead of the sidewalk due to reckless parking.

“For wheelchair users, it’s not just the lack of sidewalk space. They are also people who park in front of the curbs. It creates big problems if I have to use the road to get around a car parked on the sidewalk to find another vehicle parked on the abandoned sidewalk leaving me stuck in the road. I welcome tougher rules to crack down on reckless parkers who endanger the lives of vulnerable children and wheelchair users. ”

What are the rules likely to be?

Highway Rule 244 states: “You must not park partially or fully on the sidewalk in London, and must not do so elsewhere unless signs permit.”

While the rest of the UK also follows the same rules as London, which already has a pavement parking ban, parking on grassy shoulders and ramps connecting private property to roads will also be banned.

The only exceptions to the London causeway parking rules are when signage indicates it is safe to do so, or for unloading deliveries.

Can I park in front of my house?

Select Car Leasing has found that it is probably up to local authorities to serve pavement parking fines, but if they deem your car an obstruction – whether on the sidewalk outside your home or not – you could see you fined £ 70.

What does this mean for motorists?

“The guidelines are currently quite confusing for motorists,” says Mark Tongue, Director of Select Car Leasing, “A roadway parking ban is 100% necessary nationwide – anything that puts pedestrians at increased risk requires action.

“However, the information provided so far is a bit confusing for drivers. At the moment, there are no clear guidelines for those who park on the sidewalk due to lack of space on their own path. Most households have more than one car, so it will be interesting to see where motorists are supposed to park if not on the sidewalk outside their home.

“Clear advice is needed for drivers so that they know the right place to park in order to avoid a fine.”

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This notice was published: 2021-04-13 09:38:22