UK News

Tesco fined £ 7.56million for sale of expired food | Economic news

Tesco has been fined £ 7.56million for selling food past its expiration date in three of its stores.

The supermarket admitted 22 violations of the Food Safety and Hygiene Regulations between 2016 and 2017 following an investigation.

Complaints were received by Birmingham City Council regarding food being sold beyond its use, prompting inspectors to visit three stores in the city.

The offending items were discovered in two Tesco Express stores – one in Carr’s Lane and the other at 175 Linden Road – and another in a Tesco Tube at Bristol Road South.

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Obsolete products were found in three stores in Birmingham

Tesco said it was “disappointed” that obsolete products hit the shelves, saying it had taken “immediate action” to fix the problems.

He also said he had “robust procedures” in place to prevent this from happening again.

The company was fined Monday by a Birmingham Magistrate’s Court judge and ordered to pay prosecution costs of £ 95,500. He also had to pay a victim fine surcharge of £ 170.

Date verification at Tesco stores is now externally approved by Hertfordshire County Council with the company’s registered office located within that local authority area.

A Tesco spokesperson said: “We are disappointed that a small number of obsolete products were found for sale in three stores in 2016/17.

“The safety of our customers is always our priority and these incidents are not representative of the high standards of safety and quality that we expect in Tesco stores.

“We took immediate action to resolve this issue at this time and we want to reassure our customers that we have strong procedures in place to ensure this does not happen.”

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This notice was published: 2021-04-19 20:15:00