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The shocking electric scooter incidents police faced in Newcastle UK News

Police have received dozens of complaints against users of ‘harmful’ e-scooters in the first two weeks since arriving in Newcastle.

The distinctive orange scooters were rolled out across town in February, as part of a 12-month trial.

However, an access to information request revealed that Northumbria Police received 33 complaints in the first two weeks.

This included reports that 15 mph scooters were used inside stores and that users were playing dangerous “chicken” games with cars.

A man told police two young people took him to a park and chanted “Brexit! Brexit!” towards him.

The data shows that almost all of the incidents were linked to low-level antisocial behavior.

Callers told police that scooter riders hit traffic cones and outside mirrors.

Others appeared to have called the police simply because they saw young people driving them.

In Gosforth, police were even called after someone spotted a user walking past the county pub while holding a Costa Coffee.

Neuron, the company behind the scooters, said that in addition to “some issues” since the vehicles were introduced, users have generally behaved responsibly.

“We have received the overwhelming majority of feedback and support from the community and the vast majority of our users have ridden responsibly and safely, but there are always some exceptions,” a spokesperson said. of the society.

“As with the early stages of any trial, there were issues with a very small proportion of people breaking the rules, but in partnership with the board, we adjusted.

“We are constantly evaluating how e-scooters are used to see what works and what can be improved.

The scooters were an instant hit and were used over 1000 times a day in the first week.

However, the launch was also marred by reports of rule violations and glitches.

Among those reports was a group of six drunken students who were subsequently banned from driving around Jesmond under their influence.

This incident was only one of 33 reported to the force between February 16 and March 2, according to the FoI’s request.

Others included:

  • Man allegedly “started throwing cones at cars and staff” after doing a drive-thru on a scooter

  • A scooter user who drove him into a store, “rolling on the shelves” before becoming aggressive when staff kicked him out.

  • Group of suspected thugs who were riding scooters and “kicking cars at temporary traffic lights”

Others have been reported to have ‘whistled’ at them too quickly, or simply ‘loitered’.

Police were called in another case simply because a group – including a motorcyclist – was near a pharmacy and looked “intimidating”.

However, despite the ban on children using them, in another incident, police were called because a child was playing “chicken” with cars while riding a scooter.

Neuron says riders must agree to a “full” set of rules before riding a scooter, and only those over 18 can rent one.

The firm also added that since the start of the 12-month trial, the rules have tightened to prevent people from hiring them in the middle of the night.

“In Newcastle, we worked closely with City Council to put in place a city-wide curfew for the duration of the lockdown that brought all of our electric scooters to a standstill between 11pm and 5am. This has led to a significant reduction in the number of reports of irresponsible driving, “added a spokesperson.

“The vast majority of users play by the rules and behave in a safe and responsible manner.

“For those who break the rules, we usually warn and educate them, but for more serious cases or repeat offenders, we suspend their accounts.

People mistakenly sharing an electric scooter ride in Jesmond

“We are industry leaders in safety and our electric scooters have a range of features to keep riders safe, but it is also the responsibility of every rider to follow the rules and do what they want. should.

“All of our runners sign up for a full list of rules of conduct before they are allowed to make their first trip. They point out that they must be over 18, have a driving license and that only one person is allowed to participate in an e-scooter at a time.

“The rules are clear when it comes to not driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances, and of course they get advice on where and how to park and ride.

“Riding rules appear in the app that riders see at the start of each trip, along with spoken instructions to remind people of some of the key points, and even stickers on electric scooters with the main do’s and don’ts. do not do.

“If anyone notices that any of these rules are broken, they can report it to us directly 24/7 on 0191 917 4313 or by sending an email to

“The police enforce the rules and riders need to understand that if they break the law there is a risk of prosecution and penalty points on their …

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This notice was published: 2021-04-20 05:00:00