UK News

Election of the mayor of London: what did the candidates promise? UK News

The main candidates in the race to become London’s next mayor have now all issued their manifestos outlining their plans for the next three years.

Just over two weeks before Londoners head to the polls, candidates representing Labor, Tories, Liberal Democrats and Greens have all detailed how they plan to tackle key issues plaguing London, including crime and housing.

Here is what Sadiq Khan, Shaun Bailey, Luisa Porritt and Sian Berry have promised on the following issues:


Current Mayor Sadiq Khan has said government cuts have made the job of the Metropolitan Police ‘more difficult’, and that he will push for an additional £ 159million government grant that ‘really reflects police demands from London”.

Mr Khan also said he would push for an additional 6,000 police officers on the streets of London, while investing £ 187million in the ‘transformation’ of Met Police technology.

Conservative candidate Shaun Bailey launched his manifesto by pledging to reduce crime “in 100 days” if elected on May 6.

Mr Bailey said he would recruit an additional 8,000 Metropolitan Police officers using “town hall savings” as well as Home Department funding, while hiring 4,000 young workers to keep young people out. indulge in crime.

Green Party candidate Sian Berry has said she will take a public health approach to crime with the aim of reducing London murders to zero within 10 years.

Ms. Berry pledged to “restore community policing” to enable officers to be “more local-oriented” and build trust within communities.

Liberal Democrat candidate Luisa Porritt also focused on re-establishing “proper community policing,” promising to double the number of dedicated neighborhood officers in the capital and reopen local police stations.

Luisa Porritt and Sian Berry have pledged to decriminalize or deprioritize cannabis, while Sadiq Khan has said he will create a drugs commission to review cannabis laws.


Sian Berry is committed to supporting London tenants by setting up a Tenants’ Commission which will work to bring down private rents and more precisely define a living rent in London.

The green candidate also said she would set up a popular land commission that will give residents more say in new house plans and land use.

Luisa Porritt said she would set up the London Housing Company, a city hall-backed developer who, in its first task, would study the potential of turning disused offices into affordable housing.

Like Sian Berry, Ms Porritt also said she would support tenants and pledged to put in place a licensing system for private landlords while pushing for longer rentals and an end to evictions under the article 21.

Shaun Bailey also announced plans for a town hall-owned developer – Housing for London – to oversee all of its housing projects, including a plan to build 100,000 condominium homes available for £ 100,000 each.

Mr Bailey has also pledged to protect the green belt by focusing on the development of contaminated sites, while banning the construction of tall buildings in parts of the outskirts of London.

Sadiq Khan said his “relentless goal” will be to build more truly affordable housing as well as 10,000 new social housing units.

Mr Khan also pledged to launch a town hall developer to directly take control of the construction of low-cost homes and, like Sian Berry, pledged to support tenants by pushing for rent controls. in London.


The top four applicants have pledged to make London’s transport network more environmentally friendly, and all four have pledged to have a fully zero carbon bus fleet.

While Sadiq Khan and Sian Berry have committed to a zero-emission bus fleet by 2030, Luisa Porritt has said it will aim for 2028 while Shaun Bailey has said it will reach it by 2025.

With funding one of the biggest challenges facing TfL, Sadiq Khan said he would push the government for “long-term and sustainable” funding while continuing to push for the decentralization of excise duties. on vehicles.

Shaun Bailey, meanwhile, said he would introduce corporate sponsorship across the transportation network to raise money for TfL.

Sian Berry and Luisa Porritt both said they would introduce ‘smart and fair’ road pricing systems that charge drivers based on factors such as distance traveled and vehicle emissions, and replace ULEZs and traffic jams. existing. load diagrams.

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This notice was published: 2021-04-20 12:22:02