
Chuka Umunna in sights after spectacular home goal from JP Morgan Business

There were references to “solidarity payments” and pledges from Joel Glazer, one of the owners of Manchester United, of “increased financial support for the wider football pyramid”. But the focus was on the salary of 3.5 billion euros which “would offset the impact of the Covid pandemic” for the founding teams.

The ad campaign was organized by iNHouse Communications, a company founded by former journalist Jo Tanner and Katie Perrior, Director of Downing Street communications under Theresa May.

Boris Johnson calls them “Fortnum and Mason of Communications” on the iNHouse website. Hours after the news broke, the prime minister would lead the criticism.

“Who will lead the JP Morgan Cup?” Gary Neville tweeted.

Even Sajid Javid, the former chancellor who now works part-time as a senior adviser to JP Morgan for £ 150,000 a year, has stepped in, accusing the clubs of “appalling selfishness and a ruthless disregard for their people. fans ”.

Transaction insiders claim that, regardless of JP Morgan’s commitment to ESG, the social impact of transactions depends on only one consideration in serving clients.

And while many of the bank’s employees breathe a sigh of relief as ESL implodes, it maintains strong ties to the clubs involved.

Dimon’s primary responsibility is to its shareholders. And while JP Morgan’s association with ESL may have erased his copybook with some, his actions were largely unaffected by the backlash. Meanwhile, Manchester United and Juventus stock prices have fallen.

“Shareholder value can only be built if you maintain a healthy and vibrant business, which means doing a good job taking care of your customers, employees and communities,” Dimon told investors a few weeks ago. “How can you have a healthy business if you neglect one of these stakeholders?”

Fans who normally fill Manchester United’s Stretford End or Liverpool’s Kop can ask the same question.

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This notice was published: 2021-04-21 17:33:28