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Boris says to join Priti Patel in campaign to end asylum abuse | UK | New UK News

Thirty-five Conservative MPs have written to him, warning that the current system is “unfit for use”. The letter comes amid concerns over divisions among senior cabinet ministers over revised asylum rules. MPs, who are members of the backbench ‘common sense group’, want the PM to give Ms Patel the support she needs to put her plan into action.

MPs say Britain has a “just and noble national commitment” to provide safe haven for those facing persecution, but fear the system may be abused by economic migrants.

They write: “It is a great injustice that those migrants who are healthy and wealthy enough to cross the Channel in search of economic advantage – facilitated by heartless traffickers – are given priority, stretching the limited capacity to our capacity for asylum and inhibiting support for them. in real need – including those who, because of their faith, are hunted down and chased abroad …

“Vexatious claims have created a very lucrative industry for a small clique of unscrupulous, financially motivated lawyers who prioritize financial gain over the interests of those they claim to represent. We therefore particularly welcome the Home Secretary’s plans to introduce a “one-stop-shop” process, requiring that all rights-based claims be considered together in a single initial assessment.

MPs urge the prime minister to ignore “the wealthy liberal establishment’s self-serving criticism of these plans” and to introduce further reforms.

These include a “strict deadline for the asylum application procedure, during which the Home Office should safely receive and supervise applicants” and “the automatic rejection of applications by those who have traveled. through a country consigned immediately after arrival in the UK ”.

In addition, they want a “renewed and proactive deportation program”.

MEPs, who include former Security Minister Sir John Hayes, conclude: “It is finally time to take back control of our borders and thus ensure the integrity of our nation.”

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This notice was published: 2021-04-25 11:51:08