UK News

Génération Climat: “How will the future be beautiful if the present seems catastrophic?” | Climate News

When Greta Thunberg decided to sit in front of the Swedish Parliament for three weeks in 2018 to demand climate action, she couldn’t know the extraordinary impact her activism would have in the world.

Now 18, she has rekindled the climate conversation and brought forth countless younger voices – all struggling to save their futures.

From the UK to Australia, North America and Uganda, Sky News spoke to some of the young people who have propelled the climate movement.

From the frontlines of the climate crisis in Kampala, Uganda, Vanessa Nakate has witnessed the devastation caused by droughts and flash floods.

Speaking to Sky News, she said she recognizes the urgency to act now.

“If I was in a burning house, I would do all I could to save my life.

“Our planet is heating up, it has caught a fever and we are seeing these disasters happening right now.

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“Young people worry about the future they will inherit.

“The present is already terrible, with floods, droughts and hurricanes, so you cannot convince us young people that the future will be bright if the present looks dire.”

From the frontlines of the climate crisis in Kampala, Uganda, Vanessa Nakate has witnessed the devastation caused by droughts and flash floods.
Vanessa Nakate has witnessed the devastation of droughts and flash floods

Equally frustrated is climate activist and student Anjali Sharma from Melbourne, Australia at the perceived lack of engagement on climate issues.

The 16-year-old is suing the Australian government over a planned extension of a coal mine in New South Wales.

It is believed that upgrading the facility would release an additional 100 million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The teenager said juggling the legal battle alongside her studies made her proud, but it was demanding.

Speaking to Sky News, Anjali said the burden of responsibility hangs …

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This notice was published: 2021-04-25 01:18:00