
Prince Philip: Harry pays tribute to conservation work Brighton News

THE Duke of Sussex paid tribute to the Duke of Edinburgh’s work for the natural world as he marked Earth Day by spotlighting “generations of conservation champions”.

Harry said he felt “proud and motivated” to continue the legacy of his grandfather and others and called on the company to step up efforts to “focus on strengthening and protecting biodiversity “.

Philip was one of the early proponents of environmentalism, warning of the dangers of plastic in a speech from the 1960s, but he was also a fan of hunting and shooting – which is what most environmental activists are concerned about. ‘oppose.

He ate muesli 20 years before most people and drove around London in an electric car in an attempt to tackle pollution.

The Duke spoke as Chairman of African Parks, a non-profit conservation organization that manages 19 national parks, in partnership with governments and local communities, in 11 countries including Malawi, Zambia, Rwanda and Chad.

The Duke said: “As we now begin to move towards an era of global recovery and regeneration, it is essential that we continue to view enhancing and protecting biodiversity, not just as a value we hold – but as a vital responsibility. to our way of life.

The Argus: Prince PhilipPrince philip

“On this Earth Day, I reflect on generations of conservation champions, including my late grandfather, and I feel proud and motivated to continue to do my part in this legacy.

“This year in particular, I join the amazing African Parks team and communities around the world in a shared commitment to our environment and our collective well-being.”

Harry has worked with African Parks since 2016, when he helped the organization complete the resettlement of 500 elephants in Malawi, and supports its ambition to manage 30 parks by 2030.

An African Parks promotional video has been re-edited and in a voiceover for the film Harry talks about the need to provide resources for national parks and protected areas so that they can provide essential services like air and clean water, food security, carbon sequestration and employment. .

Peter Fearnhead, Managing Director of African Parks, said: “While we created African Parks 20 years ago to address the challenge of failing protected areas in Africa, today we see these effectively managed landscapes helping address some of the most pressing challenges of our time, including climate change, pandemics, security and human well-being.

“Along with Prince Harry’s dedication and commitment, and together with our transformational funders and all of our government partners, we are realizing the value of these wilderness areas by ensuring that the people who live in or around them ‘they really benefit from their conservation.

“It’s a sure way to help create a sustainable future for local communities and for our planet.”

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This notice was published: 2021-04-25 08:44:50