UK News

COVID-19: UK government has not done enough to help India, doctors say | World news

A corps of 6,000 doctors in the UK of Indian descent have written to Boris Johnson asking for new medical equipment to be sent to India as an “urgent matter”.

The British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) is now taking matters into its own hands as it believes the aid provided by the UK government was “tiny and a drop in the ocean”.

He told PM “Britain should do more” as India faces shortage of medical supplies to keep coronavirus living patients.

Dr JS Bamrah
Dr JS Bamrah said UK government support efforts will ‘not be enough’

Sunday the UK has sent over 600 life-saving medical equipment which included ventilators and oxygen concentrators and the prime minister swore he would do whatever he can to support India.

However, Dr JS Bamrah of BAPIO told Sky News: “UK governments have got off to a very slow start and their commitment will clearly not be enough.

“We need them to help more, urgently.

“There are empty and empty nightingale hospitals now, there will be a lot of material lying around unused.

“It would not be beyond the spirit and strength of the government to partner with India and fly away from nightingale hospitals.”

Dr Samir Shah
Dr Samir Shah’s father was admitted to an intensive care unit in Mumbai on Monday evening.

As India struggles and resources are minimal, the group of doctors is helping doctors in India by offering triage of patients via video calls, as well as assessing COVID computed tomography of the patient and advice to resuscitation physicians.

They are also in conversation with the NHS to acquire and ship any excess medical equipment to India.

Dr Bamrah added: “There are a lot of Indian doctors here who have strong ties to India, we feel helpless because we can’t go there to help …

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This notice was published: 2021-04-26 19:58:00