UK News

Senior Official to Consider Funding for Renovation of Boris Johnson’s Downing Street Apartment | Political news

The refurbishment of Boris Johnson’s Downing Street apartment will be scrutinized by the top UK official as suggestions that the Conservative Party has made an upfront payment for large-scale works come under close scrutiny.

Cabinet Secretary Simon Case said the Prime Minister had asked him to look into the matter, after former aide Dominic Cummings claimed Mr Johnson wanted donors to “secretly pay” for work in a gesture which he described as “unethical, stupid, possibly illegal”.

ITV reported on Monday that Conservative Campaign Headquarters had paid the Cabinet Office to cover the initial costs of the renovations.

Mr. Johnson has now reimbursed the cost.

It is believed that Mr Johnson will have to declare the loan quickly or else he will be charged with violating the ministerial code.

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Last week the Daily Mail published details of an email from Lord Brownlow, his Conservative counterpart, stating that he was donating £ 58,000 to the party “to cover payments the party has already made to the party. name of the soon to be formed “Downing Street Trust ‘”.

The government is investigating whether work on any part of the Downing Street estate could be funded by a trust.

The latest revelations led the Labor Party to claim that it was missing “crucial puzzle pieces” because there was no logical reason why “trust was needed in the first place if the Prime Minister paid”.

Rachel Reeves, shadow cabinet minister, said: “This is yet another panicked attempt by the Tories to cover up the truth behind the original donors for the luxury renovation of the Downing Street apartment.

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This notice was published: 2021-04-26 19:49:00