UK News

Boris Johnson’s Apartment: Prime Minister Says He Will Have Final Say on Renovation Funding Inquiry | Political news

Boris Johnson has said he would have the final say on any ministerial misconduct investigation after appointing an independent adviser to examine how the renovation of his Downing Street apartment was paid for.

Christopher Geidt, the Queen’s former private secretary, was appointed on Wednesday and immediately opened an investigation, but questions have been asked about what powers he will actually have.

In a letter to Lord Evans, the head of the Committee on Public Life Standards, Mr. Johnson confirmed that he would remain the ultimate arbiter of whether a matter should be investigated – not the independent adviser.

Mr Johnson wrote: “The constitutional position of the Prime Minister, as having sole responsibility for the general organization of the executive and recommending the appointment of ministers, means that I cannot and do not wish to abrogate the ultimate responsibility decide on an investigation into allegations of ministerial misconduct.

“This vital responsibility is rightly mine alone and, as an elected politician, a responsibility for which I am accountable to the electorate.”

He added that he believes it is “necessary to avoid creating incentives” for the independent adviser to investigate “trivial or vexatious complaints.”

On Thursday, he told Sky News he would comply with another investigation, conducted by the Election Commission, into whether any transactions related to the works were properly reported.

“We’re going to comply with whatever they want. I don’t think there’s anything to see or worry about, but what we’re doing is focusing on what really matters,” did he declare.

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This notice was published: 2021-04-29 09:04:00