UK News

Sadiq Khan and Shaun Bailey to hear ‘housing horror stories’ UK News

Mayoral candidates Sadiq Khan and Shaun Bailey will hear testimony tonight from Londoners affected by the housing crisis as community organizers demand action.

Hosted by London Citizens, a chapter of the Citizens UK charity, tonight’s accountability assembly will see top mayoral candidates hear about the issues facing Londoners as they are called upon to attend. register in the people’s manifesto.

Caroline Verdant, affordable housing activist and co-chair of tonight’s event, told the Local Democracy Reporting Service that she hopes the event will help “build relationships with the next mayor.”

Ms Verdant said: “Tonight we are going to share our manifesto with the two candidates and see where they can help or how they can implement some of the issues we are working on if they become mayors.

“I was born and raised in Newham, I lived in Newham, I went to school in Newham. I was excluded from the housing market in Newham. The Olympics have arrived, and the people of the community promised that the housing and apartments that the Olympians had, after that, the legacy that would remain would be the creation of affordable housing in the Olympic Park.

“It never happened. They broke their promise. And because of that money got into Newham and house prices went up because of the Newham Olympics and a lot of people had to move out, and I was one of those people because I didn’t could no longer afford to live in Newham. ”

Affordable housing is one of the top five issues that the citizens of London will demand action on, with the People’s Manifesto also including calls for improved youth safety in the capital as well as a pledge to make London the first city of the living wage.

The result of conversations with thousands of Londoners, the manifesto also calls for simpler and fairer systems to help Londoners settle their immigration status, as well as 60,000 green jobs and apprenticeships.

Ahead of tonight’s accountability assembly, Caroline Verdant said that “real change is people fueled” and that “Sadiq Khan and Shaun Bailey need to listen to communities and this manifesto democratically drawn up by thousands of Londoners.

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This notice was published: 2021-04-28 11:19:26